Port Fairy coastal and structure plan – C69moyn
In August 2018, Council adopted the Port Fairy Coastal and Structure Plan (the PFCSP), to inform and guide sustainable and equitable growth and development in Port Fairy. The PFCSP was developed with the assistance of government authorities, key stakeholders, and the community.
Council also authorised the preparation of an amendment to the Moyne Planning Scheme to implement the land use and development framework of the plan.
The amendment implements provisions that aim to:
- Provide necessary residential growth capacity for the coming decades
- Simplify the existing network of design and development overlays
- Protect the Belfast Lough environs
- Reduce erosion risks at South Beach and East Beach
- Reduce risk to life and property from flooding and coastal inundation
- Provide a buffer around the Wannon Water Port Fairy Water Reclamation Plant
- Provide additional commercial capacity in the town centre
- Reduce requirements for additional car parking in the town centre
This map(PDF, 1MB) shows the affected land in and around Port Fairy.
To view a copy of the Amendment C69moyn documents as exhibited, refer to the view supporting documentation section below. A hard copy is also available to be viewed during office hours at the Moyne Shire Council office in Princes Street, Port Fairy.
Adopted documents
Council accepted the planning panel's recommendations and adopted planning scheme amendment C69moyn at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 March 2023.
The adopted amendment and final documents have been submitted to the Minister for Planning for consideration and decision. The minister can decide to approve the amendment with or without changes.
schedule-7-to-clause-43.02-ddo_adopted.pdf(PDF, 114KB)
schedule-6-to-clause-43.02-ddo_adopted.pdf(PDF, 115KB)
schedule-5-to-clause-43.02-ddo_adopted.pdf(PDF, 114KB)
schedule-4-to-clause-44.04-lsio.pdf(PDF, 205KB)
schedule-4-to-clause-43.04-dpo_adopted.pdf(PDF, 369KB)
schedule-4-to-clause-43.02-ddo_adopted.pdf(PDF, 111KB)
schedule-3-to-clause-44.03-flood-overlay.pdf(PDF, 306KB)
schedule-3-to-clause-43.02-ddo-approval.pdf(PDF, 111KB)
schedule-2-to-clause-44.04-lsio-approval.pdf(PDF, 50KB)
schedule-2-to-clause-44.03-flood-overlay-approval.pdf(PDF, 50KB)
schedule-2-to-clause-43.02-ddo-approval.pdf(PDF, 112KB)
schedule-1-to-clause-43.02-ddo-approval.pdf(PDF, 308KB)
moyne-c69moyn-lsio-fomap36-approval.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
moyne-c69moyn-lsio-fomap35-approval.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
moyne-c69moyn-lsio-fomap34-approval.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
moyne-c69moyn-012ddomaps34_35_36-approval.pdf(PDF, 376KB)
moyne-c69moyn-011ddomaps34_35_36-approval.pdf(PDF, 365KB)
moyne-c69moyn-010ddomaps34_35_36-approval.pdf(PDF, 296KB)
moyne-c69moyn-005emomaps35_36-approval.pdf(PDF, 273KB)
moyne-c69moyn-004emomaps34_36-approval.pdf(PDF, 301KB)
moyne-c69moyn-001dpomaps34_35-approval.pdf(PDF, 341KB)
Explanatory report and instruction sheet
Process to date
Amendment C69moyn was authorised by the Minister for Planning on 4 March 2020, and released for public exhibition from 14 May to 28 July 2020.
A total of 86 submissions were received during exhibition. In August 2020, following an initial review of the submissions, Amendment C69moyn was placed on hold to enable additional flood modelling to be undertaken, ensuring that robust and thorough information provides the basis for the amendment.
Hydrology and Risk Consulting were appointed to undertake the additional flood modelling, which was completed in August 2021.
The revised modelling was released for public consultation between 16 December 2021 and 31 January 2022. A further 65 submissions were received, including two late submissions and 23 supplementary submissions from previous submitters, for a total of 128 submissions.
The submissions can be downloaded below, in addition to the Flood Summary Report 2021 and related maps, and the exhibited amendment documents.
Note: some of the submissions reference Amendment C75moyn although their content relates to Amendment C69moyn; these have been reallocated with submitters’ permission. Where submissions address both amendments, the relevant comments have been assigned to each.
Hard copies are also available to be viewed during office hours at the Moyne Shire Council office in Princes Street, Port Fairy.
Following the further consultation period, the formal amendment process for Amendment C69moyn resumed, and all submissions received during both engagement periods were considered by council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 1 March 2022.
Council resolved to abandon the parts of the amendment relating to the application of the parking overlay to the commercial town centre, and the application of the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO) to the Wannon Water Port Fairy Water Reclamation Plant, and to refer the remaining submissions to a planning panel.
In assessing the submissions, council noted that the Port Fairy Car Parking Strategy 2017 found the existing supply of parking to be adequate for the population, and offered other recommendations to manage heightened demand during peak periods.
Funds to improve the overall parking amenity in the town centre, including initiatives to formalise existing unmarked spaces, upgrade signage, improve lighting, improve pedestrian access, and provide shade to existing car parking areas, are generally captured through council’s budget process.
Council officers propose to undertake the necessary research to consider interface requirements at Port Fairy’s key industrial sites, including the Port Fairy Water Reclamation Plant, and to determine the appropriate application of the ESO and/or the Buffer Area Overlay (BAO) as part of council’s ongoing strategic work program. Authorisation for an amendment to implement the resulting recommendations will be sought at a later date if required.
Read the full council report here
Planning panel hearing
Following council’s resolution, a planning panel was held between 5 September and 18 October 2022, to hear submissions to the amendment. Documents relating to the hearing can be downloaded below.
The panel has prepared a report which considers the amendment, including all submissions, presentations during the panel hearing, and relevant state and local policy, and provides recommendations for council regarding the amendment.
Read the C69moyn Panel Hearing Report here(PDF, 3MB) .
View supporting documents
C69moyn-Draft-Port-Fairy-Local-Floodplain-Development-Plan-2021.pdf(PDF, 785KB)
C69moyn-Flood-Summary-Report-2021.pdf(PDF, 9MB)
C69moyn-Updated-Proposed-FO-LSIO-Map-PortFairy.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
C69moyn-Updated-Proposed-FO-LSIO-Map-PortFairyWest.pdf(PDF, 882KB)
C69Moyn-Updated-Proposed-FO-LSIO-PortFairyEast.pdf(PDF, 803KB)
Exhibited documents
Download a ZIP file containing the exhibited documents here(ZIP, 94MB)
Planning panel hearing
Relevant Links:
Planning Practice notes Planning practice notes
Victorian Planning Provisions Victoria Planning Provisions Planning Scheme - Ordinance
Moyne Planning scheme Moyne Planning Scheme - Ordinance
Urban Design Guidelines Urban Design guidelines (moyne.vic.gov.au)
Planning Panel Reports All schemes Planning Scheme - Amendments
VCAT cases Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (austlii.edu.au)
Planning and Environment Act 1987 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 (austlii.edu.au)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports — IPCC
Glenelg Hopkins CMA Strategies, plans and reports | Glenelg Hopkins CMA
Submissions to the Panel
Note that document numbers refer to Panel Hearing tabling.
Council’s Submissions:
Council-submissions.zip(ZIP, 37MB)
Submitters, 6, 21 and 58
155.-Submitters-6-21-and-58-submission-to-Planning-Panel-redact_Redacted(PDF, 3MB)
Submitter 19
154.-Submitter-19-submission-to-Planning-Panel-Redacted(PDF, 46KB)
Submitter 20 (Pendragon)
Submitter-20-Pendragon(ZIP, 10MB)
Submitter 37 (Dept of Transport)
169.-Submitter-37-DoT-Presentation(PDF, 7MB)
Submitters 48, 53, 56, 57, 123, 125
163.-Submission-48-Submission-to-Planning-Panel_Redacted-1(PDF, 7MB)
164.-Submitter-53-submission-to-Planning-Panel-redact_Redacted(PDF, 5MB)
165.-Submitter-56-submission-to-Planning-Panel-redact_Redacted(PDF, 2MB)
166.-Submitter-57-submission-to-Planning-Panel-redact_Redacted-1(PDF, 2MB)
167.-Submitter-123-submission-to-Planning-Panel-redact_Redacted(PDF, 1MB)
168.-Submitter-125-submission-to-Planning-Panel-redact_Redacted(PDF, 3MB)
Submitter 49 (Bamstone)
144.-Submitter-49-Bamstone-Submission-Final(PDF, 99KB)
Submitter 63
156.-Submitter-63-submission-to-Planning-Panel-redact_Redacted(PDF, 15MB)
Submitter 69 (Rivers Run Estate)
Submitter-69-Rivers-Run(ZIP, 16MB)
Submitter 76 (Glenelg Hopkins CMA)
Submitter-76-GHCMA(ZIP, 7MB)
Submitter 77 (SunPharma)
Submitter-77-Sun-Pharma(ZIP, 32MB)
Submitters 86 and 109
123.-Submitter-86-submission-to-Planning-Panel_Redacted(PDF, 5MB)124.-Submitter-109-submission-to-Planning-Panel-redact_Redacted-2(PDF, 2MB)
Submitter 121
146.-Submitter-121-submission-to-Planning-Panel-Redacted(PDF, 740KB)