The election period runs from noon on 17 September to 6pm on 26 October 2024. Restrictions apply to decisions, publications, engagement, and events.
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This booklet includes indigenous plant species lists and Ecological Vegetation Class maps (EVC) of Moyne Shire. It provides new information that is intended to help local knowledge for revegetation efforts and the protection and restoration of some of the important remnant vegetation areas across the Moyne Shire. Using indigenous plants in your garden or for revegetation projects makes good sense because these species have adapted over thousands of years to that specific local environment and have an improved rate of survival. Using indigenous plants will help restore the balance of natural habitat in our highly modified landscape across the Moyne Shire where less than eight per cent of the original Victorian Volcanic Plain bioregion vegetation communities now remains. Using the lists in the guide booklet you can work out what plant species would have occurred in your general location and create your own customised revegetation list for restoring those plant species back into the local landscape. Loss of habitat is a major reason why many of our native animals have suffered decline and extinction since European settlement. Revegetation using indigenous plants can help enhance habitat values across the Moyne Shire and protect threatened fauna species.
The booklet contains information on: