Nuisance and pollution

Council’s environmental health team have the power to investigate some types of issues related to ongoing nuisance and pollution concerns.

Residential Noise

Residential noise’ is noise coming from a residential property and its surroundings. It can include noise from:

  • stereos or radios
  • televisions
  • air conditioners
  • lawn mowers
  • power tools used during home renovations
  • construction of houses and apartments.  

What is enjoyable to one person may be annoying to another. Too much noise can reduce people’s quality of life and, in some cases, even harm their health. 

Annoyed by noise?

If you are experiencing ongoing or unreasonable noise in a residential area, there are a few things you can do before making a formal complaint to council. Read more at Annoyed by noise? How to address residential noise issues | Environment Protection Authority Victoria ( . This publication also includes information on prohibited times for noise.

If talking to your neighbour doesn’t resolve the noise issue, or you feel intimidated and worried they may become aggressive, please contact council on 1300 656 564 or to report the noise. 

When reporting a noise issue, please provide as much detail as possible to council, including date and times noise occurred; duration of noise; type of noise; and address where noise is being emitted. Alternatively, you can download The Noise App to your device which provides a simple way to capture and log the noise.  


A nuisance is, or is liable to be, dangerous to health or offensive. It can include a range of issues such as odour, noise, dust, animals, refuse, and water. 

If you believe that a nuisance exists, please contact council’s environmental health team  on 1300 656 564 or

When reporting a nuisance, please try to provide as much detail as possible about the issue for example, where it is coming from, how often it is occurring and how it is affecting you. To capture further details and assist in the investigation, an officer may also require that logs of the nuisance be kept for a specified timeframe.


Concerns relating to failing systems, or the discharge of wastewater (greywater or blackwater) from a property, can be directed to the environmental health team on 1300 656 564 or  for investigation.

Information on sewer blockages can be found at Wannon Water