Moyne Youth Parliament

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Youth Parliament at a glance

Youth Parliament is an annual residential program run by the Y that draws together 20 teams (each comprised of six young people aged 16-25) from across Victoria to advocate for issues that matter to them. Across the span of five months, participants will learn about the Victorian legislative system, develop advocacy and community leadership skills, and create and debate their own proposed legislation (bill) on an issue that they are passionate about.

The program is delivered in three blocks.

Off-camp (term one and two)

In the lead up to the residential camps, teams will meet periodically with a mentor from the Youth Parliament Taskforce. In these meetings, participants will:

  • brainstorm potential bill topics and elect their three most preferred bill topics
  • be assigned a bill topic from their preferences to create and debate their bill on
  • be supported in the drafting and finalising of their bill
  • be introduced to the parliamentary debate structure and etiquette

Participants will also be given the opportunity to meet with a stakeholder and/or Member of Parliament in the area of their bill topic to discuss their bill and advocate for change directly.

Training weekend ( 24 to 26 May)

Length Three day residential camp at Lake Dewar Discovery Camp
Purpose Prepare teams for everything that they need to know from debate structure to media training. Across the weekend, participants will:

  • finalise understanding in key training areas such as parliamentary etiquette and debate
  • engage in practice parliamentary debates
  • engage in media training and be interviewed on their bill by the Youth Press Gallery
  • establish the chambers for sitting week including appointment of leadership roles (chamber leaders and youth premier)
  • engage in skill development sessions covering topics such as confidence and leadership

Week of Youth Parliament (30 June to 5 July)

Length Six day residential camp at Lake Dewar Discovery Camp
Purpose Youth Parliamentarians attend the camp and Parliament House to apply all that they have learned, debate their bills and continue to develop important leadership and advocacy skills. Across the week, participants will:

  • connect with a community of change makers
  • continue to build leadership and advocacy skills while at campsite through tailor-made sessions
  • travel by bus to Parliament House to participate in the Youth Parliament sitting week
  • gain practical experience in the parliamentary debating process – participating as both the sponsor (arguing for) and refuter (arguing against) roles for debate on Youth Parliament bills
  • be given the opportunity to conduct a short speech (adjournment debate) directed to a state MP on an issue they are passionate about

Commitment required

  • available to attend a minimum of four x one hour workshops (via zoom) to develop the bill. Typically the team will will a total of eight times in total
  • some individual prep work at home (approximately five hours in total)
  • participants must attend the weekend residential camp (compulsory)
  • participants must attend parliament (in the school holidays) – compulsory

What participants receive

  • two residential camping experiences
  • three days of facilitated debate in the chambers of the Parliament House of Victoria (this opportunity is afforded to very few programs, so you are lucky to be able to do so)
  • coaching and mentoring for the duration of the program
  • the opportunity to work alongside YMCA Youth Press Gallery journalist to develop media for the team's bill
  • leadership and teamwork training that can be applied to a multiple of contexts

All program costs including accommodation and transport to the residential camps and youth parliament week will be covered by Moyne Shire Council through the Victorian Government ENGAGE! funds.

Expressions of interest

Expressions of interest are now open to join our 2024 Moyne NextGen! Youth Parliament Team.

Register your interest here by  1 January 2024. 

If you have any questions please contact Bec Elmes

