Objections and appeals

If you are notified of an application (notification can include receiving a letter as an adjoining property owner, a notice in a newspaper or a sign on site), and/or you hold an interest in the application, it is advised that you view the proposed plans at the council office for your own consideration. If you have serious reservations about a proposal, you may wish lodge an objection to the planning permit. You must do so in writing within 14 days of the application being advertised. Objections will be considered against the planning scheme when council makes its decision on the application.

The information you provide to council will only be used for the purpose for which it is submitted in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The information, including personal information, may be disclosed to other parties or members of the public as part of the planning process.

The town planning officer will attempt to find a mutually agreed outcome between objectors and applicants through processes such as mediation, opening communication between objectors and applicants or other means in the event that a planning conflict needs to be resolved. An objection can be withdrawn conditionally, for example, provided that certain changes are made to the original plans. If the objector’s requirements are not met, the objection still stands. An objection must be withdrawn or conditionally withdrawn in writing, signed and dated.

If an objection is not withdrawn, and council wishes to proceed with the granting of the permit, a notice of decision to grant the permit will be issued to all parties. If you are dissatisfied with council’s decision, you can appeal within 21 days to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). If you are the permit applicant, you too may wish to appeal the council’s decision to VCAT within 60 days against conditions included in the permit.

Throughout the objection process, it is the duty of council to keep all objectors and applicants informed council actions in order to manage the planning conflict, including its decision on whether or not to grant the permit. An application may be included at an ordinary council meeting if requested to do so by councillors.

Objection to grant of planning permit form

Make an objection to grant of planning permit form

Make an objection to grant of planning permit (pdf document(PDF, 29KB))

Objections can also be submitted via email to moyne@moyne.vic.gov.au, in person at a council office or via post.

Appealing a decision

Please visit the VCAT website to appeal a council decision.