Macarthur Precinct

Submissions closed on 05 June 2023, 10:00 AM

Macarthur Plan 2.PNG

The Macarthur Recreation and Cultural Precinct project is the redevelopment of the Market St Precinct in Macarthur. Based on the Macarthur Market St Precinct Plan developed with community in 2019, the project deliverables include a new play space, multi-sport court, BBQ and shade facilities, splash pad along with landscaping and road improvements to the precinct.

How is the project being funded?

Stage 1 works were funded through Round 3 of the Commonwealth Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund. Council allocated $480,000 of the Round 3 funds to Stage 1 of the project.

Stage 2 is being funded through a number of sources, with $500,000 from Emergency Recovery Victoria, $300,000 from Sport and Recreation Victoria and $300,000 from Council and Community contributions.

What has been done so far?

Stage 1 is nearing completion. Works delivered so far include road, kerb and parking improvements to High St and Eversley St, drainage improvements, new footpaths throughout the Precinct and refurbishment of existing rotundas and other site civil works.

Commencement of Stage 2 works including earthworks in preparation for the multi-sport court and playspace construction, and connecting footpath works.

When are the remaining works being carried out?

A Landscape Architect has been appointed to the project and detailed design plans are progressing well. Community consultation will help to inform the design which is being developed in line with the 2019 Precinct Masterplan.

Procurement processes are underway for the design and construction of the splash pad, which will be constructed in conjunction with the landscape works.

Landscape and splash pad works are expected to commence in late 2023, with completion by end of June 2024.

How do I make comment on the proposed design plan?

You can provide feedback in the following ways until 5pm Friday 2nd June:

Complete the online form

Send an email to – with the subject line Macarthur Precinct Design Feedback

Via letter addressed to Macarthur Precinct Design Feedback, Moyne Shire Council, PO Box 51, Port Fairy, Victoria, 3284.