Hawkesdale and District Family Services Centre

Our Philosophy

Hawkesdale & District Family Services Centre is an integrated service that fosters an environment that is welcoming, accepting and creates a sense of belonging.

Our centre is a place where children, families and educators can develop self-confidence, feel valued and connected to others, and develop relationships.  We see children as capable, competent, unique co contributors; active and creative participants in their own journey of discovery and learning, thus helping to develop a positive self-identity.

We value and encourage family and community input and we endeavour to provide a service that is accepting of all families, welcoming their participation and helping to promote a sense of community within the centre that has equal opportunities and an inclusive approach.

We believe in supporting all educators in their commitment to quality education and care of all children.

We value and acknowledge Australia’s indigenous heritage & Torres Strait Islander cultures, along with the cultures of all families attending our centre.

We abide by the Child Safe Standards, The National Quality Framework, The Early Years Learning Framework and the Children’s Services Code of Conduct Code of Conduct.

We value and encourage respect between all people, equity for everyone and inclusion of diversity.  Our philosophy reflects and shows the spirit of community and dignity for all.


66 Mitchell Street, Hawkesdale 3287  View Map

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Services provided:

3 year old kindergarten
4 year old kindergarten
Centre Based Care